A New Objectivism

A New ObjectivismBasic

166 Members 40 Online Last Bump: 13 days ago


We are a server that seeks to encourage productive discussion on all aspects of philosophy. And provide resources to those interested in learning about Objectivism and the Austrian School of Economics' principles.


Objectivism is the philosophy developed by Ayn Rand and derived from Aristotle, which is based on the fact that reality exists as an objective absolute, that man’s mind–his reason–is his sole means of gaining knowledge of it, and that man needs a rational morality. However in terms of politics Ayn Rand came to many wrong, and contradictory conclusions and due to Objectvism’s nature as a closed philosophy none of this has been subject to change for years until now. We Stay true to Ayn Rand’s Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics and Aesthetics, however we implement rothbard’s legal theory as a much needed remedy to the failure of Rand’s politics. Rothbardianism is a legal theory that states because means are scarce, man can come into conflicts. The just owner of the scarce resource that has come into conflict is the non-aggressor while the conflict initiator is the aggressor. The state, its components, & aggressive behaviors derive from the primacy of consciousness fallacy---that man's thoughts & whims have greater merit than rational non-contradictory philosophy. Where Rand fails Rothbard begins. In this server we have a book club dedicated to reading Objectivist Non Fiction Literature, and we'll start having regular movie streams in the future as well.



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