T.A.R.D.I.S. - Truly and Really Delightful Intergalactic Stories

T.A.R.D.I.S. - Truly and Really Delightful Intergalactic StoriesBasic

51 Members 16 Online Last Bump: 19 months ago


This is a role playing server where you can play as any character, go anyplace, do almost anything!


Owned by Doctor Timbrwulf (from "Doctor Who America"), started by Scooby, and maintained by Toku (from "Tenth Planet") along with a few friends, this is a server in which you can be anyone, go anywhere, at any time in the Whoniverse! Add to the story canon, or create an adventure of your own. It's up to you! If you become a Time Lord (perhaps as the Doctor in one of his many incarnations, or the Valeyard, or Omega, or even the Master), you can get your own TARDIS! We'll create Discord channels just for you, where you control the storyline and play it out any way you want to. Well, why are you still reading? You really should be joining us!



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