LOR: The Loop

LOR: The LoopBasic

49 Members 20 Online Last Bump: 9 months ago


Welcome to the Loop. A semi-anarchic, semi-wholesome general server built upon a niche subsection of the Internet where everyone is welcome.


Welcome to the Loop. A semi-anarchic, semi-wholesome general server built upon a niche subsection of the Internet, one that held its own Discord server back in 2018 -- this is an attempt at a revival. The Loop is, in essence, a very very lax hangout server where there are no real moderators and a simplified ruleset that boils down to "have common sense". No, you won't get in trouble for posting memes in general, no, you won't get in trouble for speaking in all caps. The Loop is a place where everyone can come together and interact; weirdos and freaks welcome. Just as long as you're cool about it... and we have a very loose definition of cool. The Loop at the moment is in its infancy stage. There is a lot of potential and promises that have to be met, but for the moment, we're just trying to grow the community. Giveaways, events, and parties are planned and explained further in-detail within the server. Conversation and content is driven by each member ensuring that no one feels as if their fun is being squandered by overbearing moderation. The only thing that is truly enforced, by the server creator themselves, is an absolute, 100% guaranteed NO DRAMA policy. Ban logs are public (which is hopefully something that is never necessary), and any quarrel is handled by the owner in private with all parties involved. At the end of the day, this server was created to stabilize and bring together an old community that once existed long ago. Now that we're (almost) all here, it's time to expand and relive the glory days of old, chilled out Internet chatrooms. Anyone remember IRC? We've been trying to tell you something for 5 years; we can't wait to see you in the Loop.



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