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Connect with Linux & Unix enthusiasts. Discuss, learn, and share experiences in our vibrant server. 🐧💬 We're glad to have you! Join us now! 🎉 https://discord.com/invite/af5TqKGGdy


Welcome to Unixverse! My goal is to create a friendly and supportive space where people with no prior experience, beginners, enthusiasts, professionals, and experts can come together for discussions, events, and more that are related to Linux and Unix. The server aligns perfectly with all of Discord's guidelines and TOS, and you can check it out for yourself. We have support channels for all the popular distros, such as: Arch Linux Centos Debian Elementary OS Fedora Gentoo Kali Linux Linux Mint Manjaro MX Linux OpenSUSE/SLES Pop!_OS RedHat/RHEL Raspberry Pi OS Rocky Linux SOLUS Ubuntu Zorin OS We're glad to have you. Join us now!



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