Discord Moderator

$lanted Is looking for a Discord Moderators job!

  • $lanted


  • Moderators
  • Discord ID: 775539931913125890

How do i contact?

You must add $lanted#9206 on discord and message them regarding their job listing.

Share your feeling

I am very active on discord so i will be able to easily keep track of what is going on in a community. I am also proficient in coding so i can help with server bots and making a server in general.


I am proficient in multiple programming languages so if bots require different languages i can help with that. I also understand what discrete spam looks like on servers since i have been in a lot of different servers. Within the communities i am in people seek my help a good amount especially when it comes to technology. I am also a big researcher, so if i see a problem and i get an urge to fix it and will fix it at all costs.

Employee skills

python programming, basic social skills, perl programming, analytical, persuasive, leadership.

Past Employers

familysol nft, lars trades, cartoons nft, foda finance, trading ventures

Current Employers

Currently only private servers that invite new members rarely.

Experience and contact info

I was a moderator for the servers listed above for roughly 3 months each, i am a mod in friends servers, Email: [email protected]