will help be a moderator for any server

ausmewer Is looking for a Discord Moderators job!

  • ausmewer


  • Moderators
  • Discord ID: 1073567937308397629

How do i contact?

You must add ausmewer#0 on discord and message them regarding their job listing.

Share your feeling

i enjoy being a moderator i will help keep you community safe clean and respectful and most importantly making sure everyone is having fun!


i can speak/respond in a professional way in times were it is needed i can keep cool in heated situations respond quickly if I'm online help around as much as i can as well i am a 15yr old male but i am still fully capable to help out in a discord server

Employee skills

can keep cool in heated situation's online a decent amount quick to respond kind chill and patient.

Past Employers

spacez, dapper tag, classroom warriors, Terry's toucans rapid monkeys and ice monkeys.

Current Employers

all of the servers listed above i am still apart of and active daily in

Experience and contact info

gorilla vortex @ttcdoge spacez @kurwa.zabij.sie Terry toucans @terrythegoat1344 Yeeps GAME NIGHTS @ambunctious dapper tag snow monkeys rapid monkeys