Acacia Boat Hub

Acacia Boat HubBasic

104 Members 16 Online Last Bump: 12 months ago


Welcome to Acacia Boat Hub! We're a Discord community for indie game developers, pixel art enthusiasts, and 8-bit music lovers. Share your projects, art, and tracks, collaborate, and find opportunities in game development, pixel art, and 8-bit music. Join us and embrace your creative spirit!


Welcome to Acacia Boat Hub, the dedicated Discord community for indie game developers, pixel art enthusiasts, and 8-bit music lovers! If you're passionate about retro gaming, pixel art, or 8-bit tunes, you've come to the right place. Join us and connect with others who share your interests and excitement. As a lifelong pixel art fan, I'm currently working on two pixel art games and looking forward to sharing my progress with the community. Stay tuned for updates, insights, and glimpses into the development process! Feel free to share your game projects, pixel art creations, or 8-bit tracks with our supportive and enthusiastic community. Looking for feedback, inspiration, or collaborators? Acacia Boat Hub is the perfect spot for fostering creativity and collaboration. We also offer a job board where you can find or post opportunities related to game development, pixel art, and 8-bit music. For freelancers seeking new projects, make sure to explore our community to showcase your skills and connect with potential clients. Exciting news: we're working on a Minecraft server to provide another fun way for our community to come together and share common interests. Whether you're an experienced game developer, a talented pixel artist, or an 8-bit music aficionado, we welcome you to join Acacia Boat Hub. Share your talents, make new friends, and embrace your creative spirit!



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