Katies Bozos

Katies BozosBasic

45 Members 12 Online Last Bump: 7 months ago


This is a community for a youtuber! She is a small content creator on youtube, the channel name is "Katie The Bozo" Come socialize, play games, meet new people and more in our amazing server!


We have very nice staff, members and even bots. We want this server to be a place you can feel at home, get along with others and feel like you can belong. Katie was stuck, she was alone and bored, she wanted an escape, she wanted to meet new people, and thats how her channel was made. She wanted to interact with the people who supported her and bring them the feeling of comfort, and happiness, and help them make long lasting memorys and friends, so she got the idea of making a server. The goal of this server is to help those that feel like they may be an outcast, and to create a space where her followers, and friends can all get together and have fun We hope you enjoy your stay, don't forget to sub to my channel, "Katie the bozo."



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