Pagan Leftist Clan

Pagan Leftist ClanBasic

14 Members 9 Online Last Bump: 5 months ago


The Pagan Leftist Clan is a Discord server for Pagan Leftists, Pagan Socialists, Pagan Communists, Pagan Marxists, Pagan Anarchists and the like, we also welcome Polytheist Leftists as well.


The Pagan Leftist Clan is a Discord server for Pagan Leftists, Pagan Socialists, Pagan Communists, Pagan Marxists, Pagan Anarchists and the like, we also welcome Polytheist Leftists as well. Our goal is to build a safe space on Discord for Pagan Leftists and free from Right-Wing Paganism, Antitheism, Misotheism, Radlibs, NAFOists/NATOists, Neoliberals, and the like.



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