Nightmares of Pittsburgh

Nightmares of PittsburghBasic

70 Members 28 Online Last Bump: a month ago


Shadows cover every corner of Pittsburgh, blinding everyone to the atrocities that happen in the dark. For centuries we have been puppets to the machinations of leeches, wolves and witches. No More.** Now we hunt the night so that one day, humanity will be free.


Shadows cover every corner of Pittsburgh, blinding everyone to the atrocities that happen in the dark. For centuries we have been puppets to the machinations of leeches, wolves and witches. No More.** Now we hunt the night so that one day, humanity will be free. Heya! Nightmares of Pittburg is a play by post server using Hunters Hunted 2, Hunter the Reckoning and Ghost Hunters Play as the inquisition, the mighty imbued or even just some normal hunters trying to make a difference! New players welcome, come on down and hunt some supernaturals. Beware you don'tt become the monster yourself though!



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