Rust Forge Servers

Rust Forge ServersBasic

24 Members 4 Online Last Bump: 14 months ago


Welcome to Rust Forge - US Weekly 5 Max Vanilla A brand new Rust Server. We wanted something new so we created a Vanilla rust server with a max team limit of 5. Base game is not changed in anyways. We wipe map weekly on Thursdays at 3pm est and Bp wipe is on force wipe every first Thursday of the month for the Rust update. One day before wipe we will release 3 maps to vote on the best one. Join up and have some fun!!!!!


Welcome to Rust Forge - US Weekly 5 Max Vanilla A brand new Rust Server. We wanted something new so we created a Vanilla rust server with a max team limit of 5. Base game is not changed in anyways. We wipe map weekly on Thursdays at 3pm est and Bp wipe is on force wipe every first Thursday of the month for the Rust update. One day before wipe we will release 3 maps to vote on the best one. Join up and have some fun!!!!!



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