Shizuka Café

Shizuka CaféBasic

89 Members 29 Online Last Bump: 28 days ago


‿︵‿︵୨⚛》》》Shizuka ◆ Café《《《⚛୧‿︵‿︵ Shizuka Café is an community server where you can relax! The server has multiple fun stuff you can do! Ex : Giveaway , Playing Games... The server is new! If you wanna support the server you can join!


‿︵‿︵୨⚛》》》Shizuka ◆ Café《《《⚛୧‿︵‿︵ ❣ Shizuka Café is a community server where people come to chat, game, have fun, etc. ❣ Staff are often online and usually interact with the community. ❣ Any issues regarding the server, another member or really anything you have a problem with can be talked about privately with a staff member through tickets. ❣ Giveaway is almost coming soon ❣ Tournament is also coming soon



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