Le salon de Léo

Le salon de LéoBasic

6 Members 6 Online Last Bump: 21 hours ago


Il s'agit du serveur officiel du serveur de LeoJP pour sa communauté sur toutes les plateformes. Rencontrez de nouvelles personnes, rencontrez des créateurs de contenu et organisez des événements incroyables aujourd'hui !!.


Welcome to Leo's Lounge, the perfect spot on Discord to make new friends and enjoy engaging conversations! Here, we strive to create a warm, welcoming environment where everyone feels valued. To ensure that our community remains friendly and inclusive, please adhere to our simple rules: Respect Everyone: Treat all members with respect and kindness. No Spam: Keep discussions clean and spam-free. Stay Positive: Encourage others and keep the vibe upbeat! Follow Discord's TOS: Adhere to the official Terms of Service. Join us at Leo's Lounge to start making lasting friendships in a community that cares. Let's chat, laugh, and grow together!



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