Mod Résumé

MOONNIGHTX Is looking for a Discord Moderators job!



  • Moderators
  • Discord ID: 688724643984572451

How do i contact?

You must add MOONNIGHTX#2853 on discord and message them regarding their job listing.

Share your feeling

I am an experienced owner, mod, admin, and co-owner. Trusted by many discord communities to keep theirs safe from online trolls and instigators.


As I said, I am an experienced owner, mod, admin, and co-owner who is trusted by many discord communities to keep their communities safe from online trolls and instigators. I believe they’ve chosen me because of my past experience and skills in the field of moderation.

Employee skills

1. Rational (I have the ability to see both sides of an argument) 2. I can interpret the rules 3. I manage servers well such as make new channels ect.

Past Employers

Mnkylife, Valya, MoonLight SMP, Purple Dye Box, StormPVPs, MnkyLifeV2, StormCraftV2, and a few more.

Current Employers

Mnkylife, Valya, MoonLight SMP, Purple Dye Box, StormPVPs, MnkyLifeV2, StormCraftV2, and a few more.

Experience and contact info

Contact information: MOONNIGHTX#2853 Experience: Mnkylife, Valya, MoonLight SMP, Purple Dye Box, StormPVPs, MnkyLifeV2, StormCraftV2, and a few more.