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Anime crossover universe of DBZ, Fate, & Bleach that comes together under one single banner.


Our server is an anime crossover of Dragonball, Bleach, and Fate series placed into a single universe! Piccolo and Urahara Keisei decide to work together to raise a new generation of warriors to defeat this new deadly alliance that has Hell & Hueco Mundo come together to takeover the universe. Trunks & Time Patrol are on the case to prevent Demigra & his allies to interfere with time as new revelations of this ancient prophecy concerning return of once & future king and rise of saiyan god bloodline. Meanwhile Merlin, Tohsaka Rin. & Saber (Artoria Pendragon) investigates more secrets of this prophecy and whereabout of Morgan Le Fey who is helping Hell & Hueco Mundo. **Hereโ€™s what we offer players** ๐ŸคบPVP & PVE action ๐Ÿช…Giveaways ๐Ÿค‘Money System ๐ŸŽคVoice Chat ๐ŸฅณEvents ๐ŸŽˆCustomization For those who rather just vibe and join a nice community. We have created a space just for you especially if you are into anime and stuff. Which we call you members who rather not play but chill around. **For our members** ๐ŸฅMusic ๐ŸŽŒAnime & Manga discussions ๐Ÿฅ‡Daily inspiration ๐ŸŽฑGame chat So please join us!



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