The Dinner Table

The Dinner TableBasic

556 Members 89 Online Last Bump: 14 months ago


Join The Dinner Table! We are a Discord debate server where members can engage in lively and respectful discussions on a wide range of topics. We encourage open-mindedness and critical thinking, and strive to create a safe space for people to express their opinions and perspectives.This is discord server aimed to provide a community for discussing, debating and learning about various hot topics in STEM, politics, religion, philosophy and more.


Introducing The Dinner Table - the perfect place for lively and engaging debates! Are you someone who loves to engage in discussions and exchange ideas? :thinking: Do you enjoy the challenge of a thought-provoking debate? :brain: Then The Dinner Table is the perfect place for you! :coffee: Our Discord server provides a friendly and welcoming environment for individuals to gather and engage in debates on a variety of topics. :person_raising_hand: Whether you're interested in •:globe_with_meridians:Politics •:thought_balloon:Philosophy •:place_of_worship:Religion •:hamburger:Culture and Society •:money_mouth:Economics •:microscope:STEM Or any other topic, you'll find like-minded individuals to engage with. :firecracker: Our community is made up of individuals from all backgrounds and experiences :map:, who are passionate about exchanging ideas and challenging one another's perspectives. :anger: With a wide range of topics to choose from, there's always something interesting to discuss. :people_hugging: So why not join us at The Dinner Table and become part of our engaging community? With regular debates and discussions, you'll never run out of ideas to explore and discuss. Join us today and let the conversation begin!



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