Empty Ego

Empty EgoBasic

314 Members 40 Online Last Bump: 18 months ago


Empty Ego is a self-sustaining network that empowers its members from the inside out. Our values revolve around creativity, philosophy and motivation. We believe the growth mindset alone can lead to incredible personal development. We know your potential is unlimited. Hop on in and see what we're all about!


Come visit us at EmptyEgo.Com ❤️ Empty Ego aims to develop a self-sustained network that empowers it's members from the inside out. How do we plan to do this, you may ask? To begin, we stand strong with the Growth Mindset; We share it's strength, potentials, and what it can do for the individual. Secondly, we always seek education, specifically that which looks through a philosophic perspective. This helps us consistently question what we are planting in the garden of our minds. Finally, a big goal is to help people learn more about themselves by getting to know others. A large part of our growth is internal, we simply need to align ourselves with external variables that can help us reach that point. As Aristotle put it, "knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom." Our values include: CREATIVITY - To become yourself, PHILOSOPHY - To understand how, MOTIVATION - To see it through. Our server is home to a plethora of channels broken into core categories... We recommend you start in THE HUB: Your one-stop-shop to promote or find unique personalities. This is where our members and supporters can post their personal content for feedback, viewership, promotions, and more. We also look to partner with other companies with strong perspectives that aim to impact our society in a positive way. We also have tons of categories. GAMERS - For those looking to improve their abilities or just find friends. MUSICIANS - Chat, Share and ask about production, design & composition. ARTISTS - Build a network with other talented creatives, like yourself. DEVELOPERS - Evolve your understanding in multiple areas of development. ENTREPRENEURS - Gain or give Management, Marketing and Finance insight.



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