39 Members 13 Online Last Bump: 13 months ago


Semi-toxic server if you have a soft heart, we don't recommend you joining ⭐️ - Live streams and videos ⭐️ - Active members/vcs ⭐️ - Self promo and partnerships ⭐️ - Daily roast sessions


⎯Respect Leader or co-leaders ︲We wont tolerate any weird behavior towards those with higher power. ⎯Semi-toxic server ︲If you have a soft heart, we dont recommend you joining. ⎯No NSFW ︲This includes avatars, custom status, bio, talks or violent talks, including streaming ⎯No Harassment or weird creepy behavior ︲Anything that applies to this will get timed-out to even a ban. ⎯No solo advertising, ask Leaders for help ︲We accept any and all advertisements, no solo ads are welcomed here, results in a ban ⎯No ear-damaging sounds ︲Anyone loud mic'ing will be timed out and/or kicked. ⎯No doxxing or IP grabbing ︲Anyone who uses or do these will be removed of the server, we dont tolerate this either and result in a ban.



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