Neo City of Passage

Neo City of PassageBasic

23 Members 14 Online Last Bump: 11 months ago


Passage City is a densely populated, futuristic coastal city. Corporate espionage, community functions, gang activity, and the consequences of secret military experimentation abound! It’s a desirable place to live, but more complicated than you’d think to leave. The server is both for writing a collaborate story together and a community designed for working adults.


This is a new server! We intend to offer: 🔸Flexible character creation with a wide range of technical abilities and creative freedom 🔹Engaging lore and story progression, balanced with plenty of room to carve your own path in the world setting 🔸Literate roleplay with adjustable length requirements 🔹IRP and OOC events and hangouts 🔸Multiple channels that feature interesting locations to write in, each with their own unique feel. Buy some combatware from a student hacker on the University campus, go to work for a powerful corporate conglomerate in a glittering tower of dominating prestige, or try a meal at the latest fad restaurant--that doesn't actually use edible ingredients 🔹Social channels to foster a supportive and friendly community alongside the creative writing 🔸Tools like Tupper for roleplay and utilization of threads, including help with related Discord and bot features when needed, as there can be a bit of a learning curve for those new to the media 🔹Perks for boosting, including custom emoji art raffles based on accepted characters 🌐💠🌐 The year is 2113. The setting is in the state of California, in a would-be neon city isolated and disrupted by winding mutated branches and roots comprised of organic machine. It’s less a reclamation of nature and more an infestation of what the city values and gives power. Corporations hold the most control here. The influence of the few seep into each district and every person looking to thrive or survive. Modernization isn’t pushed, it’s shoved. 🌐💠🌐 Influences are mainly pulled from the cyberpunk genre and the art of H. R. Giger, with a dose of cosmic horror included. The story will be a guided collaborative effort over time. LGBTQA+ run and friendly! As a community, we are 18+ only and offer age verification.



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