

620 Members 85 Online Last Bump: 27 months ago


Do you enjoy watching Bad movies? Are you into B-movies and cult cinema? Then join us on Nilbog for discussion and regular streams of the best and the worst cinema has to offer.


Do you enjoy watching Bad movies? Are you into B-movies and cult cinema? Then join us on Nilbog for discussion and regular streams of the best and the worst cinema has to offer. * Hosting Weekly Streams- based off member suggestions * Future Events include | Crapfest - The best of the worst - The Room, Troll 2, Samurai Cop, Sharknado, Hard Ticket to Hawaii and more | Breenapolooza - Neil Breens entire Discography | Cagefest - 24hours of Nicholas Cages best/worst works | Videogameathon - Back to back videogame related terrible movies eg Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, Mario Bros And more



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