INACTIVE!!!!!!!!! - euthymia is looking for Discord Moderators

  • INACTIVE!!!!!!!!!  -  euthymia

    INACTIVE!!!!!!!!! - euthymia

  • Moderators 343
  • Online members: 82

  • Contact On Discord
How to get the job?

You must join the server by pressing the button "Join the server" above and contact the staff, or the user that made the staff listing.

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Euthymia is a gaming and animanga based community server with a Genshin Impact theme. The staff are welcoming and active! However, we need more of them. Please see the description below if you're interested in applying!


Info you should consider: ・ Community server ・ Genshin, animanga, and gaming based ・ Follows Discord's ToS and GL ・ Main rules include: - No slurs, nsfw, or spam If this is something you're interested in, here's the application requirements for Helpers! ・ 15+ years of age ・ 2FA enabled ・ Decent application ・ (if hired) weekly quota of 200 messages While no experience is NEEDED for the position, quotas are mandatory! Currently, a helper needs to send about 200 (170-200+) messages per week to maintain their position. First week quotas are excused, after that only 1-2 warnings are issued before a helper is demoted. We are not currently able to hire with paid plans, but we are able to do shout-outs and joins for payment if required! Please join Euthymia and/or DM jeo#5555 to apply!