SCP Site Epsilon is looking for Discord Administrators

  • SCP Site Epsilon

    SCP Site Epsilon

  • Administrators 17
  • Online members: 10

  • Contact On Discord
How to get the job?

You must join the server by pressing the button "Join the server" above and contact the staff, or the user that made the staff listing.

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We are an SCP rolplay server where we encourage creativity and fun we also don't believe in the idea of forcing people to write alot


Welcome to Site-Omega, an underground Foundation Facility in the United Kingdom. Welcome to your new position as a Researcher, we would congratulate your newest promotion but some would call coming to this site a Punishment. We house some of the most dangerous SCPs from the Keter, Euclid and Safe Catergory. So if you hear the dreaded Containment Breach Alarm ringing, We suggest you run. Wouldn't want to lose you on your first day, would we? The things we offer in this server range from: ☆ Friendly and nice staff ☆Character Templates ☆Help for making new characters ☆Detailed RP Catergories ☆Tupperbox to allow for easier RP ☆Easy Character Submission We hope to see you in the Site soon, wouldn't want to keep the O5 Council waiting for your arrival, Researcher.