Need a server builder? Look no further

nickcash246 Is looking for a Discord Server Builders job!

  • nickcash246


  • Server Builders
  • Discord ID: 222118021714542592

How do i contact?

You must add nickcash246#0 on discord and message them regarding their job listing.

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I have experience blocking out scam bots. Will do good work for cheap.


I'm a gamer, small twitch streamer, server owner, and an organized person. I have created 3 servers, only one of which is still active. I created a server for my school, one for my job, and one for my twitch followers. After each of them, I learned how to do more and more, and now I can offer a basic package including some emotes, setting up roles, voice and text channels, bots, and server pfp.

Employee skills

My servers are very simplistic, yet very organized. I can create a server for streamers, communities, friends, jobs, whatever you might need.

Past Employers

The Rave, CHHS Gaming, CFA Gaming. Only The Rave is still alive. These were all for free.

Current Employers

I am not currently employed by anyone to create a server.

Experience and contact info

You can find me at 919-960-1186 by text preferably, or [email protected]. Or add me on discord Nickcash246#4204