Kiki For Hire

Kiki_ Is looking for a Discord Server Builders job!

  • Kiki_


  • Server Builders
  • Discord ID: 933931484690120734

How do i contact?

You must add Kiki_#2063 on discord and message them regarding their job listing.

Share your feeling

Hi!My name is Kiki,I'm 14 years old and really friendly!I only accept servers that are "aesthetic" though.


Hi. My name is Kiki!I'm 14 years old and seeking an opportunity to be staff in a server. I know a thing or two about server building. I can also help with moderation! I will happily accept almost every request from you!

Employee skills

-Knows how to keep servers organized -Knows how to make aesthetically pleasing servers

Past Employers

I have some servers I made on my own,but is adult don't have much experience on server building or any other staff roles.

Current Employers

If you count other staff roles,Im a PM in a server named GingerGalactic that has over 300 members.

Experience and contact info

I don't have much experience in being a server builder.I do have some servers I made on my own,tho. Please dm Kiki_ #2063 to hire :)!