Looking for a staff spot

﹄Lα͢͢͢ce𝕪﹃ Is looking for a Discord Moderators job!

  • ﹄Lα͢͢͢ce𝕪﹃


  • Moderators
  • Discord ID: 859464834969632789

How do i contact?

You must add ﹄Lα͢͢͢ce𝕪﹃#8881 on discord and message them regarding their job listing.

Share your feeling

My name is lacey and I like to play video games, make food, eat food and I like talking to people.


I have 2 gerbils and I like pets. My favourite colour is purple, my favourite app is discord in active all the time, and also im British.

Employee skills

I know how to fix problems. I can find ways to fix errors with the server etc.

Past Employers

I used to be a mod in a different server one of my friends which kinda died the owner went unactive. I own my own server now.

Current Employers

I own my own server with 300+ members I only made it in like December and we are growing.

Experience and contact info

My discord is ﹄Lα͢͢͢ce𝕪﹃#8881 I know basically how to use and do everything on discord.