Automation Expert

Ahmet Çağatay Is looking for a Discord Bot Developers job!

  • Ahmet Çağatay

    Ahmet Çağatay#6058

  • Bot Developers
  • Discord ID: 429983106779447317

How do i contact?

You must add Ahmet Çağatay#6058 on discord and message them regarding their job listing.

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Forget the tech issues. 😎 Focus on managing your community. 🟢 Trusted Upwork Freelancer 🟢 Software Developer 👇 And more...


Community managers they need a partner to tech problems. I'm here for you. You can trust me cause I'm also a freelancer on Upwork as a software developer. - Membership Customization - Automation - Web Connections - Create NFT Server ... There is very little we can't do about tech so feel free to contact me from the end of the site 😉

Employee skills

Bot Developmont Platforms Automation (Discord, Mail, Slack, Instagram etc.) Membership Setup Branding Customization Member Habits Design

Past Employers

Metafans NFT Indieway (Game Devs) V Zone (High School) Mars Game Colony (Game Devs)

Current Employers

Birlikte İhracat (Business Freelancers) Mirket (Students)

Experience and contact info

- Experiences Community Management Bot Development Server Setup Community Design (Branding, GIF, Emojis...) -Contact [email protected]