Modmail developer

櫻桃Flaco Is looking for a Discord Bot Developers job!

  • 櫻桃Flaco


  • Bot Developers
  • Discord ID: 816882807514333244

How do i contact?

You must add 櫻桃Flaco#5334 on discord and message them regarding their job listing.

Share your feeling

Hey! I’m a MODMAIL bot developer! Look below. I have all of my info there!!


Hey! I’m a support developer, I’m free/paid if you have 1k+ I wont charge you. I will only charge you a bot developer role & a custom channel, also a picture of you saying legit when I’ve made your support bot. If your below that I’ll charge you nitro classic, or nitro. I would like my payment first! But if you don’t trust me I have proof I’m very serious & legit about my customers. To contact me please DM 櫻桃Flaco#5334

Employee skills

Good at making modmails Can make another bots. I might mess up but I can fix it.

Past Employers (& another server I don’t have that invite anymore, because we currently don’t do business.)

Current Employers (I have proof I’m legit from the owner of the server! Too.)

Experience and contact info

Well, I’ve good experience in making support bots. I have previews of my past work, here’s my contact: 櫻桃Flaco#5334