
moneimmostafa Is looking for a Discord Moderators job!

  • moneimmostafa


  • Moderators
  • Discord ID: 1029837905398607973

How do i contact?

You must add moneimmostafa#4430 on discord and message them regarding their job listing.

Share your feeling

Hi, I am an engineer looking for a moderator role. I have studied electronics, programming and electricity.


I have worked and been part of real life and online communities dealing with customers and attending to their problems . I have high critical thinking abilities and will be able to keep the community running and always updated.

Employee skills

- Communication. - Coding - Customer care. - Critical thinking. - Database entry. - Programming. - Quality assurance. - Event planning.

Past Employers

New to the job......................................................................

Current Employers

No one.......................................................................................

Experience and contact info

Whatsapp +971543242478 Email [email protected] Experience: (Event planning, customer care) (willing to learn and grow with the community)