
Ladder_Landen07 Is looking for a Discord Other job!

  • Ladder_Landen07


  • Other
  • Discord ID: 765015188172308512

How do i contact?

You must add Ladder_Landen07#3428 on discord and message them regarding their job listing.

Share your feeling

I do sever building, web site building, advertising and partner managers,administrator, and moderator.


I am 14 years old and I love graphic designing and I have experience with all things in discord an things out of discord. I am very trustworthy.

Employee skills

I am good with server making and logo/pfp making. I have made so many logo's for servers and I have made a lot of servers. I would rate my work a 8/10

Past Employers

Self Advertising FRRP SRP TCRP Chainsaw X and more

Current Employers

Spooky Paradise Chillcord Not counting my own servers I have more servers that are mine.

Experience and contact info

Founder Co-Founder Owner Co-Owner Head of Staff Console Operations Director Head of Advertising Head of Ps4 Head Admin Admin Head Mod Mod and more