đź“ŚExperienced loyal staff member

96op Is looking for a Discord Moderators job!

  • 96op


  • Moderators
  • Discord ID: 387471172842946570

How do i contact?

You must add 96op#0 on discord and message them regarding their job listing.

Share your feeling

I am a 27 year old dad that has been in the military for nearly 8 years. I have discipline loyalty and respect for others.


I am an active and engaged member of the Discord community. I am also frequently online and participate in discussions and activities, and I am well-respected by my peers. I have strong communication skills and are able to effectively communicate with both staff and non-staff members. Furthermore I am patient, understanding, and always willing to listen to others' perspectives. a track record of being reliable and dependable. When I make commitments, I follow through on them, and I can be counted on to complete tasks and projects in a timely manner. Also proactive and take initiative. I’m also not afraid to speak up and offer suggestions or solutions when I see a problem or opportunity for improvement. I have a positive attitude and are always willing to help out others. a friendly and approachable demeanor, and I enjoy being a part of a supportive and collaborative team.

Employee skills

- Experience with 8K member server. - communication skills. - Loyalty and respect. - hosting events and collaboration . - Long member of Discord

Past Employers

No employers I have Ben staff for friends servers free of charge but they have since disbanded them.

Current Employers

I am currently not employed On discord. Therefore I am willing to give 100% dedication to you.

Experience and contact info

Lemongrab#0001 Moderator for 8K member server. Admin for a large social community/event manager.