Experienced Moderator, Been Moderating a 500k Member Server

3BDKA Is looking for a Discord Moderators job!

  • 3BDKA


  • Moderators
  • Discord ID: 353550789974687745

How do i contact?

You must add 3BDKA#5741 on discord and message them regarding their job listing.

Share your feeling

From Dubai , 18 years old , Been Studying IT / Coding And Love being a discord moderator


i can moderate any server you got as long as it has a good Owner / Administrators and Specially not toxic and not kids !

Employee skills

i can fix some issues if we face on the server such as us getting nuked by a bot and i can Create anything in the server if you want me to and design.

Past Employers

i have been moderating for a game Community Server which is called growtopia it has around 500k members at the moment

Current Employers

i am not employed with any discord server right now !!

Experience and contact info

Design Rooms / Channels Active with Members Can Moderate Depending On your Server's Rules Can Fix Bot issues Mostly Contact Info : 3BDKA#5741