・Server Builder・

PatoCheto Is looking for a Discord Server Builders job!

  • PatoCheto


  • Server Builders
  • Discord ID: 513548979892650031

How do i contact?

You must add PatoCheto#0725 on discord and message them regarding their job listing.

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Active member 15 years old Creative person Carismatic


Hi my name is PatoCheto but you can call me Pato, i’m a server builder and im searching for some work at least 2$-5$ on PayPal each server depending how small or big is the server, I like to build servers and make it see cooler and atractive, if you want to have a new and cool server, don’t think two times and contact me. Thank You!

Employee skills

Building and Decorating any type or game server. Building and adding decoration to make it cooler

Past Employers

Building and Decorating some servers of Minecraft, Videogames Market, Pokémon and community servers, it feels good making a server :)

Current Employers

I have some own servers and some friends and other people servers that I still working as a moderator.

Experience and contact info

Jobs: Litten’s Suite Deluxe (Pokémon server) YBA Ultimate Market Place (Roblox Server) Contact me ;) PatoCheto#0725