Looking to manage servers/ Build server

notliamsi Is looking for a Discord Server Builders job!

  • notliamsi


  • Server Builders
  • Discord ID: 769580641984577536

How do i contact?

You must add notliamsi#0 on discord and message them regarding their job listing.

Share your feeling

Hello! I am NotLiamsi and i have been admin/server builder for many different servers. I take very low money and i build high quality servers. I also fix/help with bots settings and ect.


Hello! I am NotLiamsi and i have been admin/server builder for many different servers. I take very low money and i build high quality servers. I also fix/help with bots settings and ect. Here is what i take [Server builder - 50 cent] [ Admin - 50 cent] [ Admin + Server builder - 70 cents] [Everything - 1 $]

Employee skills

I fix bots and servers and make them look better. I also customise the bot Sapphire

Past Employers

- Nordic Mapping (Admin) - Hangout (Owner) - Pro Gamers ( Admin) - Savage empire (co owner) - Dragon SMP ( Admin) - Vshmkio (Admin)

Current Employers

- Nordic Mapping (Admin) - Hangout (Owner) - Pro Gamers ( Admin) - Savage empire (co owner) - Dragon SMP ( Admin)

Experience and contact info

I Have been on discord for almost 4 years now and i have been admun and fixing servers 2 year. To contact me with Discord. The usernsme is notliamsi