Events manager

d3triott Is looking for a Discord Event Manager job!

  • d3triott


  • Event Manager
  • Discord ID: 507622383310602241

How do i contact?

You must add d3triott#0 on discord and message them regarding their job listing.

Share your feeling

As an event manager, I am skilled in coordinating and executing various types of events. I have experience in managing budgets, timelines, and communicating with vendors and clients. I am also able to think creatively an


As an event manager, I have a wealth of experience in coordinating and executing various types of events, from corporate conferences to weddings and everything in between. I possess excellent organizational skills, which allows me to manage timelines, budgets, and other logistics with ease. I am also an effective communicator, able to build and maintain relationships with founders, clients, community members, collab managers and other stakeholders. My creativity and problem-solving skills allow me to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions to any challenges that may arise. I am able to remain calm under pressure and make quick decisions when necessary. Overall, I am a dedicated and detail-oriented event manager who is committed to delivering exceptional events that exceed my clients' expectations.

Employee skills

organization and Effective communication skill, ability to multitask simultaneously

Past Employers

Current Employers pocket forest discord server

Experience and contact info

pocket forest event manager; This include: AMAs, Twitter spaces, IRL events ; Spring game events; AMAs, webinars, meetups and workshops