Server Builder

vflpr Is looking for a Discord Server Builders job!

  • vflpr


  • Server Builders
  • Discord ID: 559083636012613632

How do i contact?

You must add vflpr#0 on discord and message them regarding their job listing.

Share your feeling

discord server join i make alot of different types of servers. Can make tebex for people. Make Fivem App and other type of app.


If you need a discord server join and make a ticket or dm me on discord #vflpr i make alot of different types of servers. Can make tebex for people. Make Fivem App and other type of app. Also for dev aswell

Employee skills

discord dev, tebex, fivem server applications, and fivem server roster

Past Employers

Vinstigator dev server, and other i work on a couple different server

Current Employers

My own servers that show off server building, and a couple that i still make sure it look good.

Experience and contact info

Safari state rp discord admin, Apex server builder, Automotive Fanatic Central i build, and others, and i have a lot of different situation