Server design/build

c0smicnova Is looking for a Discord Server Builders job!

  • c0smicnova


  • Server Builders
  • Discord ID: 1084441458448269352

How do i contact?

You must add c0smicnova#0 on discord and message them regarding their job listing.

Share your feeling

hi im nova and i make and design discord servers! I can do bot work as well!


I make servers for friends usually but im trying to start exploring and doing more work with other people and servers! I will always try and listen to the customer and make sure your server is something they love!

Employee skills

I make the server from bare bones and add bots if needed program them and then make all your categories and channels!

Past Employers

Lovelyabyss's Garden Novas mothership so far these are the only ones i have done but im hoping to work on another friends server soon

Current Employers

I still work with Lovely abyss from time to time on any questions they have

Experience and contact info

- I worked on my friends server and they loved my work so much so i thought i would do commissions for it contact me on discord at c0smicnova