Website and API Developer

thejoepage Is looking for a Discord Website Developers job!

  • thejoepage


  • Website Developers
  • Discord ID: 717207008406929438

How do i contact?

You must add thejoepage#0 on discord and message them regarding their job listing.

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A website developer with over 6 years of experience building and integrating website design and infrastructure, as well as APIs for multiple types.


Hello! My name is Joe, but im also known as TheJoePage or TheJoe.Page online! I am a Website (Frontend and Backend), API, and Discord Bot Software Developer. I also have some previous experience using Java, Kotlin, and Swift to make Mobile apps!

Employee skills

I speak: Polish (main), English, Spanish, some Russian, and some German. I work with HTML, CSS, JS, EJS , PHP, Python, and more!

Past Employers

Codewave - Lead Software Engineer Arbastro - Systems Subsidary Manager & Lead Systems Developer DevForge Hosting - Lead Systems administrator & Dev

Current Employers

Arbastro Systems - Subsidary Manager & Lead Systems Developer

Experience and contact info

You can contact me via discord (thejoepage), my email ([email protected]) or my contact page -