Marketing in charge (user acquisition)

jaden.yan Is looking for a Discord Advertising Managers job!

  • jaden.yan


  • Advertising Managers
  • Discord ID: 429851369776611328

How do i contact?

You must add jaden.yan#5528 on discord and message them regarding their job listing.

Share your feeling

Experienced in Service, Marketing, & all aspects of Crypto and NFTs (Minting, platforms, rarity tools etc.) Crypto Day Trader, NFT Trader


Enthusiastic and outgoing. Almost always on discord. Would love the opportunity to work on your NFT project with you. Built Cool Salamanders from 2,000 members to 6,000 members, 60 Whitelist to 360 whitelist in 1 week.

Employee skills

Crypto analysis Marketing (Twitter, Discord, Youtube, Tiktok) Stock Analysis (Basic) NFT ecosystem tools People Oriented

Past Employers

Horizon Drivers' Club (Mod) No other servers in the past

Current Employers

Cool Salamanders (Marketing & Community in charge) Virtual Pangea (Mod) Eternal Beings DAO (Community Council)

Experience and contact info

Mod: Driving Club Moderating: Pangea (NFT Game) Marketing: Cool Salamanders (NFT) [email protected] | @jadenrafaelyan (tele)