Hello I am Mistle and I can build A professional server for you!

Mistle Is looking for a Discord Server Builders job!

  • Mistle


  • Server Builders
  • Discord ID: 805755223246241792

How do i contact?

You must add Mistle#8596 on discord and message them regarding their job listing.

Share your feeling

I am Mistle a 13 year old and a server builder and I build custom servers for you


Did u ever want to build a professional server but u coudn't? Well u are at the right place I build custom servers for you. I can make big/small servers any server you want & not to mention all the things u want. I usually make these for free but u can pay me if u want.

Employee skills

I can make roles/channel/custom banners and everything a custom server needs.

Past Employers

I have had 1-2 emplyoees not many tho >:) Still I can make a server for u none the less

Current Employers

I am still emplooyed with a discord server ( build in progress )

Experience and contact info

I have had many experience for like 1-5 months so you will enjoy what I make for u. You can contact me by this user: Mistle#8596