>饭团 。/ 𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗲𝗯𝗮𝗹𝗹. Partnership!

Mochitsuki - Japanese Culture & Mochi

How to partner?

Join the server that is looking for partners and contact their staff, or the user that posted the partner listing.

Share your feeling


Mochitsuki Is looking for partnerships! servers have potential with a unique & good idea!


If your server has a unique idea like Mochitsuki your server will grow with us! Mochitsuki discord brings new event ideas & trivia's for rewards. Ex. Teaching japanese culture & mochi, then making trivia's + non-nsfw + safe sfw - Friendly + has partner/announce channel + can request ping for servers above 120+ + make sure you server has a permanent link


- sfw, 100+ Members,