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Use Midjourney AI for free! JourneyTogether brings the power of Midjourney to everyone. Starting creating AI artwork today and collaborate with others.


Use Midjourney AI for free! Midjourney, With Friends!​ Create, collaborate, and explore the world of generative artificial intelligence. JourneyTogether brings the power of Midjourney to everyone. Starting creating AI artwork today and collaborate with others.​ Why JourneyTogether?​ Pair Midjourney with our powerful collaborative Discord to create something truly amazing.​ Affordable Options​ Use Midjourney for free! JourneyTogether only costs up to $9.00 per month! We give away free licenses every day! ​ Community-First​ JourneyTogether provides the first platform built for collaborating with Midjourney, and we plan to expand. ​ Private Channels​ Want to generate artwork in private? We offer a custom, private channel solution to create by yourself or with others.​



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