Retro Game Replublic

Retro Game ReplublicBasic

14 Members 6 Online Last Bump: 32 months ago


Hey there! we're a very small and new community just here to talk about Retro Gaming, we have many channels for showing your collection, new game pickups, Console modding, emulation, Star Wars, Comic Books. ANYTHING you like! come share your interest and show off that sweet, sweet, CRT!


Hey there! we're a very small and new community just here to talk about Retro Gaming, we have many channels for showing your collection, new game pickups, Console modding, emulation, Star Wars, Comic Books. ANYTHING you like! come share your interest and show off that sweet, sweet, CRT! We are looking for friends with the same interest, moderators, computer and console junkies, collectors, Trading Card Game fans...literally any geek/nerd will be happy here! we don't have too much channels, we do have some good emojis but we're still working on it. We're just trying to find a friend group and make a somewhat of a community.



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