Tidezone 🌊

Tidezone 🌊Basic

65 Members 25 Online Last Bump: 55 minutes ago


A new community server who is looking for new members! This is Tidezone!


🌊 Tidezone is a new server that is looking for members ! 🌊 🐚 It’s a general server to chill and talk in with people of many varying interests. There’s Genshin, overwatch, valorant, Anime, Kpop, and a wise assortment of topics you could talk about and you don’t have to conform to any specific theme !🐚 🦈 It’d be greatly appreciated if you could join and support the rise of this server since we’re all looking for new people to talk to. 🦈 πŸ–οΈ We hope to see you wash up on shore ! πŸ–οΈ



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