Cloudy Designs is looking for Discord Helpers

How to get the job?

You must join the server by pressing the button "Join the server" above and contact the staff, or the user that made the staff listing.

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Advertising Managers needed to advertise and grow the server. Cloudy Designs is a dynamic community dedicated to delivering top-quality designs to all members, completely free of charge.


Need free logos or banners for your Discord server? Cloudy Designs is your one-stop-shop for all things design. From logos to banners, we've got you covered! 🎨︱Animated & Standard logos, banners and more! ⚡︱Fast & High-Quality logos, banners and much more. 📅︱Regular and lots of Updates every day or week! 🌌︱A list of free designs you can scroll through. ⚒️︱Join Our Team, be a part of our creative journey. Our Available Services 🟢︱ Animated & Standard Logos and Banners 🟢︱ Standard Thumbnails & Illustrations 🟢︱ Free Server Setup & Responsive Websites