>🐾 Umbries Catto Hangout 🐾 Partnership!

Looking for partner(s) to help me grow.

How to partner?

Join the server that is looking for partners and contact their staff, or the user that posted the partner listing.

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Hello. I am a young lass who is slowly getting into streaming and would appreciate a partner or two to help me with my growth. I am looking into being a vtuber style of streamer.


My server includes: ♡ Voice Chats ♡ Streaming ♡ Yui Bot ♡ Music Bot ♡ Anonymous Suggestions ♡ Vent channel ♡ Support channels ♡ Movie nights ♡ Game nights ♡ Currency ♡ Server shop ♡ Rewards ♡ Quote of the day ♡ Announcements of free games ♡ Memes ♡ Adult channels (NO NUDES, NO LUDES, NO PORN) ♡ Help, advice and hacks ♡ Colours ♡ Self roles


Want a similar server to mine (gaming, anime)