377 Members 27 Online Last Bump: 20 months ago


›Welcome to ARK Ultimate, our vision here is to provide a community where we can gather and play the ARK experience we all love. ARK Ultimate is a server with members from all over the world.


› We will not tolerate TOXIC BEHAVIOR on our server! NO racism or abuse! Every player on our server has equal rights on the server. Each player must act in accordance with the rules. ?1. Where are the servers hosted? Our server's location is hosted in Ukraine, because players from all over the world can join. ?2. Is the server up 24/7? Yes, our server is always up. But they may need to be disabled from time to time for maintenance or daily reboots. This will be as minimal as necessary. ?️3. Why is Discord so empty? The server was started on May 4, 2017. We are in the process of growing and we look forward to playing with all of you.



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