>The Unordinary Partnership!

Creating server just for owners

How to partner?

Join the server that is looking for partners and contact their staff, or the user that posted the partner listing.

Share your feeling


Have an invite only server for owners so we can discuss advertising, moderating, server tips and just the things you can't really talk about with other people. Send me a message to join - username is kid.ike


This server will be so you can ask all the questions you need to. Let's work together to see what adverting works and what doesn't. Let's discuss proper moderation tools, bots that actually help and ways to get a good moderation team. The entire idea is that we support each other. Allow a space to support. Allow space for us to just rant after a hard day. It can be exhausting when there is even just one troubling member and you have to always look like the bigger person. We are all humans doing this for free purely to create a good community. So why not support each other. The server is invite only. You can message me on discord - username is kid.ike


Server Owners only