Chor Police SMP👮🏻💀

Chor Police SMP👮🏻💀Basic

42 Members 9 Online Last Bump: Some time ago


Guys, Anyone want to join in Roleplay SMP. You need to act and talk as per your role in script. This is not a survival or lifesteal smp. Plan to play or act in between 2 PM to 4 PM. So be available online at that time. Not required everyday. We have planned only 2 days in a week.


Guys, this is a Roleplay SMP. You need to act and talk as per your role in script. So dont think like a survival or lifesteal smp. Plan to play or act in between 2 PM to 4 PM. So be available online at that time. Not required everyday. We have planned only 2 days in a week. So if you are not sure or not interested you can left. Story is basically Chasing between Chor and Police. But it will be like a Comedy Series between Chor and Police.



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