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A Pokemon Roleplay Server based loosely on the ReBurst Manga with a built in RNG System for Pokemon Encounters! We allow Trainers Bursters and Pokemon


Kalos's war was fierce for Pokemon and man alike. A man name AZ lost his pokemon, a Flowette, in the battle. In his grief he created the "Ultimate Weapon" in order to revive his lost friend and revenge on those who had killed his pokemon. After reviving his pokemon he then turned it upon both sides of the war in order to end it. The out burst of energy had four side effects. AZ and his Floette where now effectifly immortal, New Stones appeared allowing certain pokemon to break through into new forms thus called Mega Stones, and the Ultimate Weapon broke into thousands of pieces upon its use scattering across Kalos and creating Burst Hearts. Now that story is but a myth and two types of trainers dominate the region of Kalos. Trainers and Bursters. Recent changes to the Pokemon League now have recognized Bursters as a legitimate form of battle. Causing all Gym Leader, Elite Four, and Champion Positions to be doubled in order to make room for the new method of battle. Within the last few month strange domes have been popping randomly around Kalos. The Pokemon League Champions and Elite Four have been put in charge of investigating these areas when they pop up. Labeled Space Time Distortions these domes host powerful and dangerous pokemon from the past, future, and seemingly other dimensions. When one of these appear the goal of the League is to get any civilians out and minimize the damage the confused pokemon inside wreak. Alongside the Space Time Distortions Two teams have risen to power in the crimnal underworld. Team Prime and Team Rupture. Each team wishing to destory the other and take the opposite form of pokemon combat out of the Leauge!



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