wattpads realest

wattpads realestBasic

146 Members 16 Online Last Bump: Some time ago


[15 YEARS PLUS ONLY] Welcome to our little community to share your fanfictions! Inclusive to all fandoms as a way to help everyone grow as a writer ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•


Hi all, welcome to Wattpads Realest, a server started by friends to share their fan fictions. All are welcome as long as theyโ€™re over the age of fifteen โ€” we donโ€™t discriminate against fandom or language (though, we are a primarily english speaking based server) . Most our members are Wattpad user, though we welcome all fan fiction platforms with open arms. We often host events, competitions & so much more to keep things interesting. Make sure you prong an open mind and a positive attitude when joining - love, the mods.



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